Have you ever seen a rat wheel? It is a small wheel in a small cage. The tiny rat, climbs into the rat wheel, you want to see him play. So you…
The New Normal
The sound of Azaan (the call for prayers) enters my room along with a cool breeze through an open window. Under normal circumstances, I would get up, perform Wuzu (ablution), call on…
Along came a Virus!
The talk was about Artificial Intelligence. The talk was about Smart Cities. The talk was about terrorism and wars, about naked genocide wiping out cities and populations. Along came a virus and…
Ignoring Hadith
This hadith warns about a time when people with filled stomachs will say that we need only the Holy Quran to determine Halaal and Haraam (we don’t need Hadith). Rasool Allah (peace be upon him)…
There seems to be a confusion on the subject of ‘Qaza-e-Umri’. Qaza-e-Umri means to offer all ‘Farz’ and ‘Waajib’ prayers (salah) which have been missed in our life. A group of people…