I have a special bond with nature – trees, forests, mountains, valleys, and streams, all have enchanted me for as long as I can remember. Don’t even get me started on my feelings for the ocean. In this blog, however, I will be talking about the limitless sky.
Of all the marvels of nature, the limitless sky is the most accessible. You might live in a congested city and not have the time or the resources to go and live closer to nature. Worry not. The sky is always there to satisfy your nature-loving needs.
Shaped like a dome the limitless sky is set up like a giant canvas, where ‘Al-Musavvir’ enthralls us with various strokes of HIS brush. Sometimes clouds are arranged as straight lines, sometimes round and buffy, and sometimes a mixture – random and yet not looking out of place..
Besides the enchanting nature, the limitless sky also has something mystical. At times when I have felt helpless, overcome by sorrow, or burdened by stress, I have stood and stared up at the sky, calling to Allah Almighty. And immediately grief would be replaced by relief, sorrow by happiness.
In Tafsir Anwar Ul Bayan, Maulana Ashiq Ilahi narrates the 10 benefits of looking at the sky.
1. It reduces sorrow
2. It decreases negative thoughts (waswasa)
3. It eliminates fear and doubt
4. It helps in the remembrance of Allah
5. The heart fills up with Allah’s greatness
6. It removes harmful thoughts
7. It is beneficial during melancholic (Saudavi) conditions
8. Provides comfort for the longing heart.
9. Bring closeness towards family and friends.
10. It gives a direction for us to make supplications (duas)
Even when the sky is clear it still manages to dazzle with a variety of colors merging into one another.
And then, as if providing a final crescendo of an already breathtaking performance, the sky decides to participate with other wonders of nature like the never-ending ocean and the strong as-ever mountains. The views are just Enthralling and Captivating.
The limitless sky is accessible to everyone. Rich or Poor. Busy or free. Traveler or nontraveler.
The limitless sky is accessible to everyone – including you!
No matter how busy you are, I hope you can find a few minutes to pause your life and look at the sky (hopefully not while driving or crossing the road). And when your heart is filled with wonder remember to remember the ‘Al-Musavvir’ in HIS own words.

23:14 So, glorious is Allah, the Best of the creators
The limitless sky the uniqueness and beauty is same for wherever one is or whoever an individual is. Ar Rehman Ar Raheem the most loving.