Have you ever seen a rat wheel? It is a small wheel in a small cage. The tiny rat, climbs into the rat wheel, you want to see him play. So you hang a cheese in front of the wheel. The rat swings his legs with massive speed. With each gallop, he feels that he is closer to the cheese, but the more he runs, the more he stays in the same place.
Today’s world is abundant with answers but barren in questions. So let me ask you a few questions, you might have or should have asked, as you moved through life. Right questions sets you in the right path, isn’t it?.
Remember, the best friends you used to have in school. You were in-separable. Life without them; unimaginable. However time moved on. You got separated and grew up. Now you don’t even know where they are. Were they able to achieve their dreams? Were you? Even if you meet them now, so much would have changed, that the chances of you becoming best friends again, are rare. Have you ever wondered; what happened?
Then there was your first love. You were sure. They were the key to your happiness. Life without them; unthinkable. However you grew out of your love. You might have even forgotten their names or how they looked like. It was so long ago. And even if you are to meet them now, the chances of your heart missing a beat, are none. Have you ever wondered; what happened? How can it be? Why things change?
Now you move ahead in life. College, university and job. All of it happens in a flash. And then marriage. And then you start to see yourself in your kids. Everything should be settled by now. But now you have some more questions.
Streets are full of talented people and palaces are full of morons. Have you ever wondered?
Money; you are sure. You just need a little bit more to have a happy life. But as you jump from one desire to another, you wonder; when would it be enough?
This world is like a spider’s web. The more we try to get out of the meaningless and the mundane, the more we get buried in it. But then you move ahead in life, and now your eyes start seeing less, and you start having some more questions…
Is this world a transient station or a destination? If it is a station, where are you headed to? If it is a destination, why you need to leave?
Strange is the world, isn’t it? Especially if you don’t get the answer to all your questions, and stranger are its ways…
The rat, wakes up. He sips some water and eats. And then looks at that extra bit of cheese, hanging from the roof of his home. He climbs the wheel. And starts to swing his legs. He needs to have that cheese. It seems to be coming closer to him. It starts to swing towards him. He is almost there. He is able to take a small bite before it swings away. He loved the taste. He feels that he has accomplished something. He needs to go at it again. He starts swinging his legs faster. He is about to reach it again. His body is aching. But he is very close. He is about to get that extra bit of cheese. He never needed it in the first place. But now he wants it. He comes very close. It is so near…
…but suddenly. He trips. He falls down. His heart is beating very fast. Too fast. His eyes are still fixed on the swinging cheese. He tries to get up. He was very close. He needs to try again. But he cannot feel his legs anymore. Life, is slowly leaving him. His heart is now stopping. He was very close. He sees the cheese one last time as he closes his teary eyes. He knows that the end has come.
Not a second more.
Not a second less.
Now the cheese is not for him. Someone else will replace him. Someone else will repeat the same cycle, with the same vigor; and sadly with the same fate. The next rat in the wheel will not learn from his predecessor. Have you ever wondered; why…
… or will you ever wonder, that the next rat in the cage
Is Actually You!?
Hi All, I asked a lot of questions, but probably didn’t give you the answers. Or Did I? Read the bold/italics portion in the blog again, and you will find the answer.
Another good one Amad , thank you for the wake up call …
Thank you Tamer
Marvelous, insight into the circle of life, the analogy fit right at the center of what we are living every day
Thanks for the encouragement Roshan Bhai
Good one!
Another sixer
A well composed article – beautifully reminded the inevitable but forgotten questions of life! Keep up the good work, Amad.