You cannot control your income, but you can control your expenses. This live-within-your-means is the best financial advice you will ever receive. And one that will save you from many financial problems and overall stress in the future. In this blog, I give some general tips around this one piece of advice.
Category: Insights
Thoughtful Insights about life in general.
Khushoo and Khuzu
Salah is the connection between us and Allah and the stronger that connection is, the more beneficial it would be for us. If we want to realize The Pakistan Dream we need to make an effort to offer Daily Salah with Khushu and Khuzu.
Beyond Politics: The Real Right to Rule
Political debates are common in our country, usually focusing on “who is better for Pakistan” rather than “what is better for Pakistan.” Most political manifestos promise improvements in education, poverty alleviation, defense, and jobs, but they often hide a singular aim: “How do I stay in power forever?” None address the crucial question, “Who has given us the right to rule?”
Asking Questions
Lessons from the talks of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. Asking Questions.
The Long Road Ahead
The long road ahead is not covered by hard work or perseverance, but by breaking it down into smaller, manageable chunks. Make the chunks so small that moving from one to another…
Lessons on greed from Abha
How I got a deeper meaning of greed on my journey through Abha’s mountains and its vast valleys discovering gratitude and the antidote to insatiable desires amidst nature’s profound teachings.
What is the Purpose of Life?
This blog post explores the importance of finding the purpose of life and how it can bring comfort and peace, even in the midst of hardships.
What Time Is
You can tell people what is the time, but it is very difficult to tell them what time is!
The Spider’s Web
Have you ever seen a rat wheel? It is a small wheel in a small cage. The tiny rat, climbs into the rat wheel, you want to see him play. So you…
The New Normal
The sound of Azaan (the call for prayers) enters my room along with a cool breeze through an open window. Under normal circumstances, I would get up, perform Wuzu (ablution), call on…